The cross at Doo Lough Pass between Louisburgh and
Leenane is poignant, as it commemorates the fate of a group of starving, desperate people
of all ages, who made a fruitless journey from Louisburgh to Delphi on foot seeking relief.
There are few vistas which take one’s breath away as the Doo Lough Valley does, particularly when approached from Louisburgh, having woven through narrow, winding roads and sheep-populated hills, with traces of long ago dried-up potato beds etched into them. Stone ruins recall the people who dwelled in this remote place.
Enjoy your journey at Killadoon. A beautiful beach to enjoy with a panoramic view over Inishturk and Clare Island.
Killary Harbour (An Caoláire Rua) is the Republic’s only glacial fjord which slices the mountains north and south of it, creating a natural border between counties Galway and Mayo. Stretching 16 kilometres in length, it runs 45 metres deep the unspoilt scenery has a magnetic calmness about it.
Enjoy Cross Beach with your family!
A stunningly scenic spot on the southwest corner of Clew Bay, Louisburgh offers the ocean with sandy beaches, as well as lakes and access to both mountains and islands. To get close to nature or just to breathe fresh, clean sea breezes, Louisburgh serves as a great base.
For an easy stroll, while observing life in a rock pool, the beach at Old Head provides a lot of
interest and has a satisfying cliff walk and the best woodland habitat around, with excellent
bird-watching opportunities.
Clare Island and Inishturk can be easily reached by regular ferry from Roonagh Pier, near Louisburgh and the boat journey is part of the adventure.
Ideal place for children in summer. Come to experience Silver Strand.
The fjord is almost a peninsula in reverse, the sea claiming its right to be habitable as it moves forward into the unknown. From the sea, the land perches on the horizon.
A Green Coast Award beach to enjoy. Experience it!
The term was coined in 2011 by Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, but the route was always there.
The Wild Atlantic Way (WAW) spans from Ireland’s most northerly point, Malin Head in
Donegal to its most southerly, Mizen Head in Cork, taking in Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo, Galway,
Clare, and Kerry along the way. 2,500 kilometres of stunning coastline, staggering cliffs,
windswept lighthouses, Blue Flag beaches and national parks make this a special route.