A pre-famine cottage from Caradoogan in the parish of Attymass was carefully dismantled in 2002 and rebuilt stone by stone in New York where it supplies the centrepiece of a Famine Memorial.
In the townland of Currower east of the Abbey there is an Ogham stone standing 11 feet in height, one of only eight examples known in Co. Mayo.
The ruins of Kildermott Abbey overlook Ballymore Lough. As well as being an important national monument the abbey has several fascinating Folklore tales associated with it.
One of the town’s highlights is the Foxford Woollen Mills, one of the last working mills in
Ireland producing vibrantly coloured wool which is then transformed into magnificent works
of wearable art. Established in 1892, it was the brainchild of Agnes Morrogh-Bernard, a Sister of Charity, who was charged with the task of founding a convent in Foxford.
Just outside Killala lies the ruins of Moyne Abbey, a Franciscan Friary, which is now a National Monument.
Located on the River Moy, in North Mayo, close to Moyne Abbey and between the towns of Killala and Ballina, Rosserk Friary is possibly the best preserved monastic site in Ireland. It was founded by the Joyce family in the middle of the 15th century for the benefit of the Franciscan Third Order Friars, an order which incorporated laymen into the order as well as female clerics, though Rosserk’s religious community was male only.